Friday, August 1, 2014

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe | Chapter 10: The Spell Begins to Break

Chapter Summary:

This chapter returns to the moment when Mr. and Mrs. Beaver along with Peter, Susan, and Lucy, are scrambling to leave the Beaver's house as quickly as possible. Mrs. Beaver is slow to get ready, but they eventually leave and travel toward the Stone Table. They march for hours in the snow along the river until they reach a secret (tiny) burrow where they can rest for the night.

In the morning, they are awakened to the sound of jingling bells. Mr. Beaver leaves the burrow to investigate, and then calls everyone else out of the burrow. The jingling bells come from the sleigh of Father Christmas, who tells them that the Witch's spell is breaking, which is how he has entered Narnia.

Father Christmas then gives them gifts: A new sewing machine for Mrs. Beaver, a repaired dam for Mr. Beaver, a sword and shield for Peter, a bow and a horn for Susan (the horn will bring help in desperate times), and a glass bottle for Lucy (which contains a substance that will heal the injured). Father Christmas then provides them with a hot breakfast (tea included).


There is only one possible reflection piece for this chapter. It is as follows:

(1) Peter, Susan, Lucy, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver flee to the burrow in the forest, being chased by the White Witch.
(1) Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli flee to Lothlorien in the forest, being chased by the orks of Moria (and Gollum, but they don't know it yet).

(2) The party is one short--Edmund
(2) The party is one short--Gandalf

(3) Father Christmas provides gifts to everyone.
(3) Galadriel provides gifts to everyone.

(4) Father Christmas provides breakfast.
(4) Galadriel provides lembas (Elven bread).

(5) Father Christmas gives a bow and arrow / horn to Susan.
(5) Galadriel gives Legolas a bow and arrow. Boromir has a horn. (A horn that does the exact same thing as Susan's horn.)

(6) Father Christmas gives Peter a shield and sword.
(6) Galadriel gives Aragorn a sheath for his sword.

(7) Father Christmas saves his last gift for Lucy--the smallest and seemingly most insignificant but ultimately the most important character. She gets a small glass bottle that will heal injuries.

"Last of all he said, 'Lucy, Eve's Daughter,' and Lucy came forward. He gave her a little bottle of what looked like glass (but people said afterward that it was made of diamond) and a small dagger. 'In this bottle,' he said, 'there is a cordial made of the juice of one of the fire-flowers that grow in the mountains of the sun. If you or any of your friends is hurt, a few drops of this will restore them" (p. 108).

(7) Galadriel saves her last gift for Frodo--the smallest and seemingly most insignificant but ultimately the most important character. He gets a small glass bottle that will create light in the darkest places.

"'And you, ring bearer,' she said turning to Frodo. 'I come to you last who are not last in my thoughts. For you I have prepared this.' She held up a small crystal phial: it glittered as she moved it, and rays of white light sprang from her hand. 'In this phial,' she said, 'is caught the light of Earendil's star, set amid the waters of my fountain. It will shine brighter when night is about you. May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out' (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring).

(8) Gifts acquired, the replenished company continues on their journey.
(8) Gifts acquired, the replenished company continues on their journey.

... I kind of wonder which story is the original one ...

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